
This is a 12 unit complex that was purchased as a value add. Within 12 months we increased rents between $200 to $250 a door and stabilized the asset. Within 36 months we refinanced and returned all investor capitol.

A duplex which was acquired as a non performing asset, off market building in the heart of the revitalizing downtown Columbus area. After a light rehab we placed new tenants and doubled the rents. Within 24 months the asset has appraised at triple the acquisition costs.

Acquired off market and within 12 months performed light rehab, implemented a subsidized housing program and increased rents $200 per door. Within 24 months, the property was refinanced and all investor capital returned.

Eight unit Value Add that required substantial rehab. Upon rehab completion we implemented a subsidized housing program that resulted in $300+ per door of rent increases. Within 18 months it appraised for two times capitol deployed and refinanced and returned all investor capitol.

Acquired as a non performing ten unit buildings in the rapidly expanding Driving Park area. Within three months of ownership we increased occupancy from 50 to 100% while increasing rents on average of $150 per door.

East North Broadway
Acquired as an off market four unit that required significant capitol improvements. Within nine months all improvements were mad, rents stabilized and increased $150 per door, refinanced and all investor capital returned.
Single Family Home Portfolio

E 19TH

E 11TH
